Plansee SE

Molybdenum and tungsten: Strong metals for the LED manufacturing process:- Single Crystal Growing: Molybdenum and tungsten hot zones, furnace parts, formed and pressed-sintered crucibles - MOCVD: Semi-finished and finished parts made of Mo, W, ML, and WL - PVD metallization: Molybdenum, tantalum and tungsten liners - Wafer bonding: Molybdenum and MoCu wafers - LED package: Heat sinks made of Mo, W, MoCu, WCu, Cu-MoCu-Cu laminates and ceramics Whether it's high temperatures, aggressive chemicals or extreme mechanical loading: Plansee supplies a suitable product solution in refractory metals or composite materials. As the world market leader in powder metallurgically produced high performance materials we combine outstanding materials knowledge with profound applications and technology know-how. For decades we have been developing innovative high performance components for numerous industries. That's how we contribute to their technological progress. Find out more at