Daktronics Inc

Explore Suncoast Business Listing - Daktronics Inc

Daktronics is recognized by iSuppli, the market intelligence company, as the number one LED display provider in the world. The company designs, manufactures, sells, and services a variety of display products in three primary markets: commercial, sports and transportation. Commercial customers include financial institutions, hotels and motels, gaming, auto dealers, convenience stores, shopping centers and other retail establishments. Sports market customers include schools, colleges and universities, professional teams and facilities, and international events and organizing committees. Transportation applications include display systems for state and city departments of transportations, mass transit systems, airlines and airports, and other transportation agencies. Daktronics' standard LED electronic message centers (EMCs) used by retailers and non-retail entities are incredibly popular. EMCs are a reliable, affordable way to advertise inventories, circulate information and reach out to communities with public service announcements. Daktronics' staff of more than 450 engineers, backed by a significant research and development budget, has also brought a video messaging display to market, capable of running pre-produced content. This economically priced display allows retailers to enjoy the benefits of video with the added bonus of easy-to-use software control. Daktronics' large engineering staff also offers customers unlimited capabilities for custom projects. Signifi


Daktronics Inc