Triad Semiconductor

Create customized LED lighting electronics quickly and easily with TRIAD's disruptive ASIC technology.TRIAD is the world's leading supplier of via-configurable mixed signal ASIC solutions. We integrate silicon-proven analog, digital, memory, and high-voltage building blocks onto ASIC die and allow you to hook-up your custom lighting circuit using a single via mask layer. This means that your development cost is slashed, your time-to-profit is significantly shortened, and your risks are dramatically reduced. Does your LED illumination application require: high current drivers, voltages up to 70 volts, pulse width modulators (PWM), digital control, or embedded micros like 8051s or ARM cores? TRIAD's via configurable arrays (VCA) combine all of these functions plus resources for temperature, voltage, and current sensing onto easily configured ASIC devices. Our world-class design team is ready to help you get your LED driver design from idea to working silicon in record time. Contact a TRIAD FAE to evaluate your application and see just how quickly and inexpensively your idea can be turned into a profitable single chip solution.