
Explore Suncoast Business Listing - Astrodyne

Astrodyne Corporation designs, manufactures and solves power conversion challenges worldwide by offering a broad assortment of AC/DC switchers, AC/DC adapters, DC/AC inverters and DC/DC power supplies. Astrodyne currently carries over 4,000 cost-effective standard and modified power supplies and is continuously expanding its offerings to meet new industry standards and application requirements. Astrodyne manufactures a complete line of high-efficiency, high-quality DC/DC converters from 40- 600W and AC/DC PFC modules from 600-1000W, plus accessories for use in military, industrial, and other harsh-environment applications. Most items are in stock and ready to ship the same or next business day and backed by some of the best warranties in the business. Astrodyne also features the ability to customize or modify standard parts to fit your needs.

